Zapytania ofertowe i konkursy na stypendia naukowe
Nazwa jednostki: Center for Language Evolution Studies (CLES), Wydział Humanistyczny, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
Nazwa stanowiska: student scholarship position (research assistant)
- MA or BA in linguistics, psychology, cognitive science or related fields
- Native or near-native proficiency in academic English
- Research experience in evolutionary linguistics (documented by co-authorship in journal publications)
- Experience with experimental design and running experiments (documented by co-authorship in journal publications of experimental studies or involvement in running studies)
- Experience with coding of data
- Strong general programming skills
Opis zadań:
- Assistance in the project “Paths to Polysemy: Integrating Approaches to the Role of Polysemy in the Evolutionary Dynamics of Language”
- Assistance in experimental design, stimuli preparation, and running of experiments
- Qualitative and quantitative data analysis (with the use of dedicated software)
- Support in data management
- Assistance in administrative tasks
- Participation in the preparation of articles, submissions, conference posters and/or presentations
Typ konkursu NCN: OPUS
Termin składania ofert: 02.02.2025, 23:59
Forma składania ofert: email
Warunki zatrudnienia:
The student will work in the project for 12 months, from 03.03.2025 till the end of February 2026, receiving a scholarship of 2000 PLN per month.
Dodatkowe informacje:
Please submit the following documents to pleyer [at] umk [dot] pl
- CV, with a description of previous research work (including publication record) and other experience and achievements relevant to the project
• cover letter
• GDPR consent statement for the processing of personal data
W wyniku przeprowadzonej procedury konkursowej na stanowisko stypendysty została wybrana Pani Julia Zaborowska z Wydziału Humanistycznego.