Katedra Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej

ul. Władysława Bojarskiego 1, 87-100 Toruń
e-mail: etnowww@umk.pl

obrazek nr 1 obrazek nr 2 obrazek nr 3 obrazek nr 4

How to investigate village maps?

Katedra Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UMK w Toruniu (Instytut Nauk o Kulturze) zaprasza na wykład: François Jacquesson (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/French National Centre for Scientific Research), “How to investigate village maps?“, który odbędzie się dnia 25 października 2023 r. (środa), godz. 13:15 -14:45, w Collegium Humanisticum, w sali AB.0.09 (ul. Władysława Bojarskiego 1).

Our Honorable Guest is going to share his expertise on fieldwork among Shertukpen people living in the Brahmaputra River basin of the Arunachal Pradesh State of India, Eastern Himalayas. His intention is to show how the decades of continuing changes (of various kind) are reflected on the maps of the Rupa village. Which techniques, methodology and local participance were chosen and applicated. Students will extend their knowledge related to practical fieldwork, as well as gain an opportunity to discuss with an expert about ‘how to prepare and conduct a fieldwork in non-European area’.

François Jacquesson is a linguist, Directeur de recherche in the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). He is recently retired. He has been working on local languages in Central Asia and North-Eastern India, and published analytic descriptions of Deori, Kokborok, Dimasa and Shertukpen languages. He also published two books on general linguistics, L’Anti-code (about the difference between languages and codes) and Les Personnes (how persons are indicated in languages) ; one book with Pascale Dollfus about the major Shertukpen festival, Khiksaba ; and co-edited three other books : Narrativité (how stories are told with images and language), Histoire et géographie de la couleur, Dans l’atelier de Michel Pastoureau. He writes a blog (in French), Caramel.